Common Interview Mistakes Part 2

Common Interview Mistakes Part 2

Welcome back everyone, trust you have found these tips helpful in the interview process.

As we all know, sitting in front of a stranger can be daunting, but if you are well prepared and confident it will be easier.
Let us have a look at a few more mistakes to avoid in your “dream job” interview.

10. Focusing too much on yourself
If the conversation in the interview is largely about how this opportunity will be beneficial for you, and what you want to accomplish in your journey to the top and only focuses around your needs, it will negatively impact on the interviewer. The organization is not interested in how they can help you out. They are hiring you because of your traits and skills which will assist them in achieving their goals.
At the point when you can represent how your skills will benefit the organization, you are on the right path.

11. Admitting to unprofessional behavior
A candidate that concedes, for instance, to misleading his employer to be able to attend the interview, might think it shows he is really interested in this position. Be careful of this as the interviewer might think “what else would you lie about”.
Steer clear of casual talk after the interview, you might think it worked out positively and unwind. You might even end up saying something inappropriate or confess to a lie. You have not been hired yet and this may very well be a test.

12. Demonstration gender bias.
A lot of interviewers may have a colleague of the opposite sex present in the interview so as to test your reactions. If you for instance only converse with one and “disregard” the other - all will not be well. You should be able to handle the dynamic and uncertainty of the situation by paying equal attention to both interviewers.
Some candidates are tricked into a conversation where you are tested, and your opinion asked about the opposite sex. Keep your opinion to yourself. In the workplace everyone is equal.

13. Focusing on the money only
When you get this open-ended question on why you want to work at a certain company – be aware of what you say next. As we know, everyone that works is mainly motivated by remuneration. However, it will be great if you can provide your perspective on what motivates you and drives you in the specific profession.

14. Botching the question about your greatest weakness
When you are asked by the interviewer about your greatest weakness, be cautious not to give a “smart” answer such as “I don’t have any”. It might send a message that you are not self-aware and cannot handle criticism. Take time to think about this question and prepare a thoughtful and honest response.

15. Neglecting to ask about the next step
Do not make the same common mistake made by many candidates. Before the end of the interview, and if the interviewer has not offered information on what you should expect, ask! Not only does this show you are interested but also shows that you are organised.

16. Posting on Social media
Posting on social media about an interview if you have not been offered the position might cost you dearly later. Not only will you inform your current employer that you are job hunting but you might get a lot of questions from friends and colleagues if you do not “take” the new job.